Wednesday, February 2

Let's play, "What's the real problem?"

In the spirit of Harper's Index, here are some numbers for you.
  1. Projected federal debt over next ten years: $5.8 trillion.
  2. Social security program surplus, same period: $2.6 trillion.
  3. Anwar estimated reserves: 10.4B barrels.
  4. Anwar reserves into US consumption at current rates: 17 months.
  5. Annual US healthcare spending: $1.6 trillion.
  6. Total costs of malpractice cases: $24 billion (or, 0.024 trillion, if you prefer).
It's not that the administration is on the wrong side of every issue, it's that they pick the wrong issues in order to obscure our country's real priorities. Don't let them get away with it!

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